Linear Motor High Speed Double Column Machining Center
Dekay 直线电机高速龙门加工中心主要用于石墨、模具高精加工、3C、汽车检具、机械结构件等高光加工,可在一次装夹中连续 完成铣、钻、高速攻丝、曲面加工等,从而使用户达到更好的经济效益。
Dekay Linear motor high speed double column machining Center is mainly used for graphite, mold, 3C, inspection tools, mechanical structure parts and other high-accuracy processing. It can be finish in one clamp of milling, drilling, high-speed tapping, surface processing, so it can achieve better economic benefits for users.
高加速度特性提升卓yue的加工品 质及效率;
无摩擦式的德国博世力士乐磁悬 浮驱动,结合高精密光栅尺,保 证机床的精度永jiu稳定。
永磁同步电主轴,轻量化的设计 保障机床运行的高速、高效特性。
chao强的精度稳定性: 定位精度:0.003mm/ 全行程 重复定位精度:0.002 / 全行程
High acceleration improves excellent processing quality and efficiency.
F r i c t i o n l e s s m a g n e t i c levitation driven of Bosch Rexroth , combined with high precision linear scale, ensures the machine tool stability of accuracy.
Synchronized permanent magnet built in spindle, lightweight design ensures high speed and high efficiency of machine tool operation.
Super stability of accuracy: P o s i t i o n i n g a c c u r a c y : 0.003mm/ full range Repeatability accuracy: 0.002 / full range